Here’s a happiness/success tip which can make you feel much better about yourself and your life for months, years, and decades to come. Instead of looking for ways to live with stress, anxiety, and other forms of negativity, ask yourself what thoughts and behaviors you engage in which lead to these kinds of negative experiences and make adjustments accordingly.
Most people seek help for living the way they currently do instead of seeking ideas, assistance, and support for how they might stop living in this fashion. And that is key. So, always seek healthy ways to change the thinking, behaviors, or emotions which create the negativities you experience in life instead of trying to manage or numb them.
As a life coach, I frequently tell people that anytime we experience negativity in life, we are the creator. But that is good news because if we are the creator, then we can always do something about it to make things better. So, it’s a good practice, anytime you experience stress and negativity in life, to ask yourself: “How am I creating this stress and negativity?” And then take steps to make things better.
In some cases, you might falsely conclude that someone else is creating your negativity. For example, there might be someone who doesn’t treat you very well, who only seems to come around when he or she wants something, who always takes but never gives, who never respects or appreciates you, or who talks down to you. And, even though it might seem justified and appropriate to associate your experience of negativity to this other person, a more empowering way to look at it is this: The true reason you are experiencing this negativity is because you are creating it.
“How could I possibly be creating this negativity?” you might ask. Well, in situations such as the above, you might be creating this negativity because you thought the person was different (or better) than he or she truly is, ignored the warning signs, and/or invested time, energy, and resources due to your false impressions. And when this happens, it can be natural to feel angry, disappointed, hurt, and sad. However, the true reason you are feeling this way is not because of the other person. It is because you expected this other person to be different from who he or she truly is. And it hurts when we come to the realization that we have been wrong about someone. Especially, someone we might have greatly loved, respected, and trusted.
However, once you gain the understanding that you are the one who is creating this negativity, you can move towards making things better. Because, armed with your new awareness, you can now create distance from the associated person, learn from the experience so that you become a better judge of character and become more selective of who you associate with in the future, and/or get into the practice of making only small investments in time, energy, and/or resources until you are able to better confirm whether there truly is mutual love, respect, trust, and appreciation before being willing to give more.
So, anytime you experience stress and negativity in life, get into the practice of asking yourself: “How am I creating this stress and negativity?” And then take steps to make things better.
Some of the ways to make healthier changes in life include actively engaging in self-care, making yourself a priority, setting and enforcing boundaries, and living in accordance with your values. And here’s one post I wrote for doing that:
And here’s a another post I wrote about the many ways to actively employ self-care:
And lastly, here’s a post I wrote about taking action:
This and other happiness tips and topics are provided throughout my self-help, happiness, and investment oriented books:
#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #success #inspiration #happiness #peace #mindfulness
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