What are the two most important investment questions everyone must answer regardless of age or where they are in terms of progressing towards their financial goal(s) (in order of importance)?

1. What is my financial goal(s) [e.g. Jan 2026: $50,000 Down Payment for a Home]? This must be clearly defined and periodically revisited to ensure the goal(s) remains sufficient for meeting your future needs in the year you will start needing it (so escalation is important based on inflation and potential cost changes)? For example, if you are saving for a down payment for a home and you decide you later would prefer a larger house in a nicer and more expensive area and house prices increase substantially, then you’ll need to account for all of this in your financial goal for the year you plan to achieve it. Otherwise, you may fall short and have to extend this goal for several more years than originally planned. So, always keep this in mind when periodically revisiting and reviewing your financial goals.

2. What is the MINIMUM risk I can take, based on progress to date, and still meet my financial goal(s) identified above? This will drive your investment decisions and strategies.

Most investors fail to achieve their financial goals because they do not maintain awareness or dynamically make adjustments to item 1 and don’t dynamically adjust their investment strategies to account for item 2 based on progress to date. Don’t do that to yourself. Because these must be not only defined and factored in when first establishing your financial goals but also periodically revisited and re-assessed in a dynamic fashion. So, this is not a static process.

A whole lot can go into the above two questions and the investment strategies you employ. And you can learn all about these as well as all of my investing techniques via my “Invest Like a Pro in 10 Minutes a Day!” series of 4 books where you can learn the “end to end” process to investing. So, use this period of social distancing to your advantage by gaining this knowledge and learning these skills and techniques (…/).

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