In my previous two posts, I identified the most important life question as: “WHAT DO I WANT MY LIFE EXPERIENCE TO BE?” And the second most important life question as: “HOW CAN I ACHIEVE THAT LIFE EXPERIENCE?” 
Well, what do you suppose the third most important life question is? 
Drum roll…
Well the third most important life question is “HOW CAN I LIVE INCREASINGLY HAPPIER?” That is, what can you do to live happier on a day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year basis. This includes everything from performing an inventory of your life and moving towards the more positive aspects and distancing yourself from the negative aspects, to gaining a greater appreciation of what you have, who you are, and who you have in your life, to countless other ways of living a happier life. Most of what I write about focuses on how to live happier. Much of which is located here: http://www.brighterdayslifecoaching.com/category/personal-improvement-development-and-growth-related-posts/
So, there you have it. The three most important life questions:
Answer these three questions and live your life accordingly and you will discover how wonderful it feels to live an authentic life filled with wonder, joy, excitement, and fulfillment.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships


In my previous post, I identified the most important life question as: “WHAT DO I WANT MY LIFE EXPERIENCE TO BE?”
Well, what do you suppose the second most important life question is? 
Drum roll…
Well the second most important life question is “WHAT CAN I DO TO ACHIEVE THAT LIFE EXPERIENCE?” That is, once you know  what you want your life experience to consist of, the next most important thing is getting there. 
For example, if your desired life experience includes being the best medical doctor the state of Florida has ever known, then going to an Art college is probably not going to get you where you want to be. Likewise, if meeting the person of your dreams and having a family is a part of your desired life experience, then sitting at home every night or avoiding the dating scene will probably not get you what you want anytime soon. So, once you identify what you want your life experience to consist of, you must position yourself accordingly.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness

In Part Three, I will present the third most important life question. Can anyone guess what it might be?


One key to happiness is remembering the three most important life questions and living your life accordingly. What do you suppose the most important life question is?


Drum roll…


Well the most important life question is “WHAT DO I WANT MY LIFE EXPERIENCE TO BE?” Independent of what others think, believe, express, or attempt to convince otherwise. This is YOUR life experience and no one else’s! And it can be whatever you want it to be! So, always remember this and live your life accordingly.

Life experience includes everything from the macro, to the micro, to the temporary, to the more persistent or more permanent. It can include that which you just want to explore or try out, that which you want to experience or experiment with, that which lasts days or weeks, and that which lasts months, years, decades, or even lifelong. There is no limit. It can be a wide variety of things or just a select few. And it can change. So, it can be whatever you want it to be at the time as well as all the time.

One of the key contributors to unhappiness in life is living other people’s lives. To be truly happy, you must live an AUTHENTIC life – your own life – and nobody else’s. So, always remember that.

This also means other people need to be free to live their life experiences – whatever they want them to be – independent of what YOU think, believe, express, or attempt to convince otherwise. It’s okay to offer advice, but just remember that ultimately it is THEIR life experience and not yours.

Now, one caveat to the above is that it must be a healthy life experience (overall) such that the life experience you choose does not physically harm yourself or others. Otherwise, the playing field is wide open.

What an exciting, wonderful, happy life you (and others) will share when you live in the above fashion. So, always remember: Your life experience can be anything you want it to be. Start today. Your future is filled with nothing but endless possibility. The reels are empty. This is your movie. Create it!

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness

In Part Two, I will reveal the second most important life question. Can anyone guess what it might be?



Many people spend so much of their time focused on getting there that they fail to appreciate the moment and their surroundings. Don’t do this to yourself. Mindfully slow things down a bit, every once in a while, and marvel at the world which surrounds you. You can do this while walking, driving, riding, or even sitting.

What I like to do is imagine my surroundings have been painted through the sentimental eyes of appreciation of an artist. How many paintings have you seen which were so cozy, so warming, so inspirational, and so inviting that you just wanted to be there? Well, imagine your surroundings were painted by such an artist and slow down a bit and smile and bask in the joy of it.

Anytime you do this, you will be able to transform even otherwise dull surroundings into something precious, wondrous, magnificent, and deeply moving; filling yourself with the warmth, joy, wonder, inspiration, and exhilaration of complete appreciation. And what might have been even boring, ordinary days will become extraordinary and you will feel happy, lively, and cheerful for much of the time. So, do this for yourself if you can.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness

Happiness Tip: Take An Easiest First Approach to Change

Many people struggle with making the changes they desire in life. Frequently, this happens because they make the process of change so sudden and overwhelming that it’s difficult to find the motivation to even begin much less sustain.

What I frequently tell people to do in this regard is taking an “easiest first” approach to change and then growing from there. By identifying easy ways to move in the direction of the changes you desire, you will start making progress sooner, increase your comfort level, and build your motivation and confidence towards making the changes you desire. Changes which you will be able to incrementally build upon over time.

For example, if you desire to start a fitness routine, you might ask yourself what would be the easiest three days of the week, the best time of day, and what exercises you could reasonably initially perform successfully. You could then begin working towards this. Once you get comfortable with your new routine, you might then ask yourself what the next easiest day to add to the weekly routine might be and/or increase the amount of time or intensity of the exercises performed.

Alternatively, if you feel you are obsessive about something that you do everyday and want to move in the direction of reducing this so that it does not consume so much of your life, then you might ask yourself what might be the easiest days to skip the activity. For example, you might initially only allow yourself to perform this activity on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays until you get comfortable with the new routine and then reduce it to only Tuesdays and Fridays.

Both of these examples illustrate how to take an “easiest first” approach towards the process of change. So, do this for yourself if you can. You will be amazed at the progress you make when you operate in this fashion.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness




Happiness Tip: Focus More on Creating Instead of Pursuing Happiness

Many people in life spend much of their time and energy pursuing happiness instead of taking steps to create it. And that which is actively pursued frequently evades while that which is actively created frequently attracts.

Thus, creating happiness within ourselves and within our surroundings will tend to attract that which we might otherwise pursue such as success or relationships with others (romantic and otherwise including friendships and acquaintances). By taking steps to create happiness, you will progress towards becoming one of those wonderful, happy people everyone loves to be around. Those who “beam” with warmth and positive energy and seem to attract love, friendship, and success almost effortlessly.
What a wonderful world we could all create and share if we each focused more on creating happiness within ourselves and within our surroundings. So, seek to find what makes you happy and fill more of your life with that which does and less with that which does not.
And if you do not know what truly makes you happy, then explore and live with a sense of adventure until you do. In fact, I  recommend always including some aspects of exploration and adventure in your life, even while doing that which you already know makes you happy. Because you never know.  You might just discover even more which adds to your happiness. And even if you don’t, you will keep life fresh and interesting.
So, do these kinds of things for yourself if you can. Because you can never become too happy. 

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships

HAPPINESS TIP: Focus On What You Have Instead of What You’ve Lost

HAPPINESS TIP: Focus on what you have instead of what you have lost. Especially if you’re going through a period of stress, anxiety, depression, sadness, or other forms of unhappiness and negativity. This goes for the people in your life, the relationships you have, your finances, and your possessions.

For those select times when you decide you truly want to focus on a loss (such as a period following a break-up), allow it, but do it in a mindful fashion instead of in an automated, reactive fashion the way people often do. Mindfully decide to do it and mindfully decide for how long. Then get back to enjoying your life and focusing on what you have in your life.

You will be amazed at how much happier, upbeat, and positive you will feel when you do this. So do this for yourself if you can.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness

HAPPINESS TIP: Focus on How You Most Want to Feel and Then Offer That to Others

HAPPINESS TIP: Here’s a quick happiness tip for those who might be experiencing a period of stress, negativity, or unhappiness: Instead of focusing on how horrible you feel, focus on how you most want to feel and then offer that to others. So, for example, if you feel lonely or unappreciated and most want more love and appreciation in your life, then give more love and appreciation. You will be amazed at how much love and appreciation comes back to you when you do this. Anytime you graciously and selflessly offer to others that which you want for yourself, it will come back to you in overwhelming abundance.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships


Practice and Value Open-Mindedness, Kindness, and Compassion

Those who know me pretty well know that some of the things I value are patience, openness, kindness, acceptance, and compassion. Perhaps the only things I am strongly against are strong opinions and beliefs.

It’s a sad, sad fact that many people would rather ruin relationships with others and hold on rigidly to their present beliefs and opinions than entertain or even tolerate alternate viewpoints.

And the other sad fact is the beliefs and opinions people hold so dearly today often change over time which means that they might have carelessly thrown away potentially valuable relationships for nothing. Don’t do this to yourself or anyone else. Never underestimate the value of patience, openness, kindness, acceptance, and compassion. Even when we presently disagree with others on certain topics that does not mean we cannot say to those others: “Right now I disagree with you, but I respect your present opinion or belief and love and care about and wish you well” with the understanding that over time, if we are open-minded enough, opinions and beliefs can change.

So many treat every topic or issue as an “all or nothing” kind of thing, but most things in life are not that way. There can be an element of “truth” and “possibility” and “rightness” and “understanding” on every side of a topic or issue. What a wonderful world we could all share if we each understood this and practiced open-mindedness, kindness, and compassion on a regular basis.

Well, a book I recently read, Mark Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” highlights some good reasons to embrace values such as patience, openness, kindness, acceptance, and compassion:

Always being right is a horrible value to have because:

“We consistently make poor assumptions, …, misremember facts, give in to cognitive biases, and make decisions based on emotional whims. As humans, we’re wrong pretty much constantly … People who base their self-worth on being right about everything prevent themselves from learning from their mistakes and … close themselves off to new and important information.”

“Most of our beliefs are wrong. Or, to be more exact, all beliefs are wrong—some are just less wrong than others. The human mind is a jumble of inaccuracy. “

There is no way to love, kindness, peace, and happiness. Love, kindness, peace, and happiness is the way. So embrace and be that today, tomorrow, and every day that follows.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships

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A Quick and Easy Way to Evaluate Your Romantic Relationship


Here’s a quick and easy way to evaluate your present romantic relationship:

Consider the romantic relationships of others you have known throughout your entire life. They can be those that were in the marriage stage, the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, or the dating stage. Select the one you consider to be the best or most positive relationship out of all of these. Assign a value of 10 to this.

Next consider the most positive periods of relationships you’ve had in the past. Again these can be relationships that were in the marriage stage, the boyfriend/girlfriend stage, or the dating stage. You do not want to consider the entire relationships (since they are now over), but the most positive periods of each. Following this, select what you consider to be the most positive period out of all of these past relationships. On a scale of 1-10, assign a score to the most positive period you selected with the understanding that a score of 10 represents the most positive relationship, throughout your entire life, of someone you’ve known (as performed in the previous paragraph). For illustration purposes, let’s assume that you assign a value of 7 to this.

Lastly, consider how your present relationship compares to the most positive period of the relationship above (i.e., how much better or worse is your present relationship with respect to the one you might have assigned a “7” to in the previous paragraph). If your present relationship is better than the most positive period of one of your past relationships then you would assign a value between 7 and 10 depending on how your present relationship relates to the conditions in the previous paragraphs above associated with the scores of 7 and 10.  If your present relationship is not as good as the most positive period of one of your past relationships then you would assign a value below 7 depending on how much worse the present relationship relates to the condition in the previous paragraph above associated with the score of 7.

Assessing your romantic relationships in the above fashion can be helpful because: 1) if it scores highly on the 1-10 scale it can allow you to become more appreciative towards your present relationship and motivate you to express that appreciation more often and in multiple ways, 2) if it scores moderately on the 1-10 scale it can cause you to reflect on the more positive relationships (or the more positive periods in your past relationships) and motivate you to take  steps to improve your present relationship, and 3) if it scores poorly on the 1-10 scale it can allow you to take steps to remove yourself from the relationship so that you can be available to find one that is more positive.

The above process can also be helpful to perform when faced with major life decisions with respect to romantic relationships. For example, if you are faced with the prospect of marriage or perhaps moving to another city so you can be with your romantic partner, then this can help you to quickly determine whether or not it might be something worthwhile to seriously consider.

Each of these are wonderful ways in which performing this assessment can be helpful. So make sure that you do this from time to time in your life.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships