Here’s a worthwhile happiness challenge for you: See how many times you can be the light and warmth to others and see the light and warmth within others. We provide such joy and peace to those who come in contact with us when we are happy, calm, and peaceful ourselves – even when no words are spoken. So, strive to be that beaming light of love, warmth, happiness, peace, and inspiration each and every day.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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There have been times in my life where, with respect to the dating or relationship situations of others, I thought something like: “How silly (or even stupid) of him/her to put up with that other person’s crapola! He/she is getting treated like dirt!” Only to find weeks or even months later that the relationship not only survived but thrived and the couple became happier than they had ever been. How can that be? Well, you never know how things might change. You have to remember the dynamics between people. Initial interest can evolve and grow into warmth (and even love) and sometimes people change because they want to change and because they want to be better. It doesn’t always happen. But sometimes it does.

So, those I might have initially perceived as silly (or even stupid) in those situations turned out to be the smart ones. Those who loved, were patient, and put up with all of the initial crapola because they saw something I could not see. Something that made it worth the initial pains and frustrations to get to. And, in those situations, I found my initial distaste transformed into admiration. Because they did not give up. They worked (and sometimes even struggled) but made it happen.

So, do not judge others. Feel free to offer advice or assistance from time to time, as a friend or family member, but allow them to live and learn freely. It is their life experience. Not yours.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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Always know and appreciate how beautiful and wonderful you are. Sometimes in life you might come across those who do not appear to love, respect, and appreciate you but whenever that happens you must love, respect, and appreciate yourself enough to invest your time and energy towards others who do.

Keep your eyes and your heart open, for those who may not have loved, respected, and appreciated you in the past, may heal over time, and then passionately and resolutely return to you once they again realize what a beautiful, wonderful soul you are. Until that happens invest your time and energy towards those who already know that.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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An Amazing Thought Guaranteed to Improve Perspective

Love and appreciate your life. You are SPECIAL. Think about everything that had to happen PERFECTLY just so that you could be here today living and breathing. Each and every person in your genetic chain meeting, loving, surviving, and conceiving each and every person in that chain for thousands of years! Any ONE trivial change in those thousands of years and you would not be here today. Think about that and how wonderful it is to be experiencing the life you are experiencing now! If that doesn’t fill you with wonder and amazement and appreciation, then you really need a perspective boost! And if you need help with that you know who to ask!

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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You can lead a rich and rewarding life by making yourself a priority and focusing on that which truly matters and disregarding the rest. So, DO NOT spend another moment doing meaningless things whether it’s a senseless task at work, something you’ve been invited to that you have no interest in, or somebody else’s drama or gossip which you could care less about. A great, stress-free way to handle anything you encounter in life is to simply GIVE IT THE ATTENTION IT DESERVES (AND NOTHING MORE)!

For example, if my boss gives me a pointless task I might respond, “Yes, boss. I’ll get right on that.” But if, in my opinion, it is truly a senseless task I might spend 10 minutes on it. If someone starts saying horrible things about someone else I might nod and say, “Well, it was nice seeing you,” and then be on my way. If someone else asks me to help out with something that I have no interest in I might say something like,  “I’m sorry but I’m going to be busy then,” and free up that time for something else which might be more rewarding or inspirational in nature.

You can lead a happy, peaceful, stress-free life by simply making yourself a priority and giving things the attention they deserve all along the way. You don’t have to be involved with everything that comes your way or goes on around you and you certainly don’t have to do everything to the highest standard. Especially that which seems pointless, is not well thought out, or doesn’t matter much. So many people spend so much of their lives inflating small things into big things without realizing they DO NOT have to participate. Simply step back, give it some thought, and give it the attention it deserves. Each and every time.

If you operate in the above fashion you will live a happy, peaceful, stress-free life. And you will have time, energy, and resources available to put towards that which truly matters to you instead of consuming your life with that which does not. What a wonderful life you will create for yourself (and others) if you live in this fashion.

Well, there you have it. Now, you know one of my life secrets. So, if at any time, I look at you and smile and you’re wondering why I’m not rushing out to buy that latest thing you told me about which will “change my life forever” or not following your “fantastic” advice, well, I might just be thinking: “Yeah. Thanks for that great advice. I’m giving it the attention it deserves.”

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness


One simple happiness tip involves asking yourself how you most want to feel and then freely offering that to others. So, if you want more love and kindness in your life, then give more love and kindness. You will be amazed at how much love and kindness comes back to you when you do this. So, make this a regular practice in your life.

Most people spend so much of their time focusing on how they feel instead of how they might most want to feel. Doing this is a sure recipe for ensuring you continue having negative feelings and getting what you DO NOT want in your life. Don’t do this to yourself!

What a fantastic life we (and others) could all share if we each lived in this fashion. So, always remember first to shift your focus on how you most want to feel and then freely offer that to others. You will be amazed at how wonderful you will feel and at the wonderful world you will create. So, do this for yourself  (and others) if you can!

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships

Be the Most Gracious of Guests While Here on This Planet

People frequently ask me questions like why I am so happy, why I’m vegan, and why I pick up recyclables when they see me walking or running. Well, much of it has to do with the way I look at life and my philosophy on life as a whole. The following story I wrote a few years ago presents much of how I see things and why I do what I do and feel the way I feel. The edited version of this story was presented in my first self-help book, LIVING BLISS to more gently introduce this philosophy. The complete, unedited version is provided in my second self-help book, LOVING YOUR LIFE, for readers interested in achieving a fuller, deeper, and more complete understanding. I encourage you to read the below story, reflect upon it, and ask yourself what positive changes you might like to make in your life as a result.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness

Imagine that you loaned the use of your home to a house guest for a few days while you were away. Several weeks later he’s still in your home and has pretty much taken over your entire place. He invites loud, boisterous friends over to play cards and to drink beer and you find yourself spending more and more time away from your home, because you feel threatened by him and his friends who act hostile towards you for not being the way that they are. Even on quieter nights, when only you and he are at home, and you want to sit in the living room to watch television he’s always there ~ sprawled out on the couch watching something that you have no interest in.
You go to the refrigerator to get a glass of water from your fresh jug of spring water, but the container is empty. While you are there you decide you’re hungry and think you might enjoy some of that delicious vegetable casserole you prepared the day before, but find that the container has been half eaten and carelessly tossed onto one of the counter tops. Your home ~ which used to be tidy and neat ~ now has dirty clothes and trash strewn all about and dirty counters and dishes everywhere. The floors and carpets are saturated with dirt, mud, beer, and food. All of this mess, because your guest does not clean up after himself. Sometimes, he doesn’t even flush the toilet after using the bathroom and he leaves soiled pots and pans on the counters and in the sink. All in all, your home has become a dirty, stinking, filthy mess. How does this make you feel towards your house guest?
Now consider another kind of house guest. Imagine that you loaned the use of your home to a different person for a few days while you were away. When you return you find your home has been thoroughly cleaned, polished, and beautified to the extent that it is in far better condition than when you first left. In addition, you receive a card and gift thanking you for the use of your home. You find yourself looking forward to going home and wanting to spend more time in your home, because of how much more wonderful it has become. How wonderful would you feel and how likely would you be to help and do nice things for this person in the future? Most likely, you would want to become more a part of the person’s life, desire to do more to contribute to his or her life, and make the individual feel warmly welcome to come back and visit in the future.
Well, the spiritual world operates in very much the same fashion whether your belief system involves God, the universe, or some other higher power or spiritual representation. The more you express genuine appreciation the more love, peace, and happiness you will experience and have to be appreciative of ~ the spiritual world continually rewarding your appreciation with more to be appreciative of and showering with love, peace, and happiness the lives of those “house guests” here on this planet who are kind, mindful, considerate, and appreciative of the hospitality extended to them by the most gracious of givers. Those who generously offer kind and mindful contributions to the world for the benefit of all of our creator’s creations ~ making the earth a better and more pleasant place for all who share our planet.
Fortunately, for us ~ with respect to the unwelcome guest scenario presented towards the beginning of this section above ~ we can resolve situations such as this long before they get too out of hand and without too much effort. We have a police force that can serve and protect us, negotiate threatening situations, and keep offenders from returning. If only nature and less fortunate persons had others looking out for them in similar ways. Such hardship is unnecessarily created just so people can live more comfortably and conveniently. However, many of us are not mindful of this and do not carry this awareness.
Through kindness, lovingness, and mindfulness we can create a wonderful, new world:
~ A world in which we realize we are all a part of that life which lives and breathes and deserves to be free from fear, pain, suffering, and death.
~ A world in which we LOVE-AND-CHERISH-AND-OPEN-OUR-HEARTS towards other living and breathing beings as we do towards ourselves.
We can become more mindful. We can become more respectful. We can become more considerate and make kinder choices. We can love, and appreciate, and cherish all of life and generously share our world with other living and breathing beings. We can purge our homes of that unwelcome guest and assist all of our fellow, innocent, living and breathing beings in doing the same by becoming the most gracious, the most reverent, and the most considerate of guests in loving appreciation for the wonderful lives and the hospitality we have all been graciously granted. We can achieve this by living more mindfully and by making kind and mindful contributions.
The earth has historically been a holocaust of animal farming and production, animal exploitation, and animal science and testing ~ hardships unnecessarily created for nature just so people can: live more comfortably and conveniently, build and expand, reap profits and rewards, advertise products and services, and be entertained. Other living and breathing beings are continuously exploited and forced to suffer their entire lives to support the interests of the advertisement and entertainment industries, the research community, and the food, clothing, and dairy production industries. However, we can create a better world today for all who share our planet. We are all a part of that life which lives and breathes and we can love and care for other living and breathing beings as we do for ourselves.
So, the above story summarizes my philosophy on life. I believe life is such a wonderful gift and we are all guests here on this planet. Guests of God’s (or our higher power’s) hospitality. This is one reason why I am ever so thankful and grateful for the life I have and the life I get to share with other living and breathing beings who share our planet. Thus, I make an effort each and every day to express my appreciation and gratitude. One of the primary ways I do this is by living more mindfully and by making kind and mindful contributions. Whenever we live our lives in this fashion we create peace and happiness within our own lives, within the lives of others, and within the world which surrounds us.
In my own life I choose to live mindfully in a variety of ways to include: minimizing waste, living in moderation, relishing all of life (humans and nonhumans alike), and making a positive imprint to make the world of today and the world of tomorrow a better place. I see one of my primary purposes in life as one of offering and promoting happiness, appreciation, and well-being for the benefit of all living and breathing beings including:
~ loving, respecting, appreciating, and living in harmony with the earth and all who share her,
~ extending love, warmth, and kindness to others, and
~ living kindly and mindfully so as not to cause pain, suffering, or harm.
Everything that surrounds us has been loaned to us by the most gracious of givers: God, the universe, and/or our higher power. As such, there is nothing in this world that we truly own. Even our lives have been loaned to us. So let’s make the most of our lives and strive to become the most gracious, the most reverent, and the most considerate of guests while living here on this planet.
I have the strongest desire to be that gracious, kind, and mindful guest. As such, each and every day I strive to live ever more mindfully and to contribute to the world which surrounds me. I encourage you to do the same. What a wonderful world we could all share if each and every one of us contributed in these regards.


One of the key contributors to negativity and unhappiness in life has nothing to do with needing money, drugs, drinks, or doctors and everything to do with how you live your life. Anytime you experience these kinds of negative thoughts and feelings, take a step back and objectively consider what external factors might be contributing to these. Next, work towards addressing each of the external factors until you have addressed them all.


Frequently, many of the negativities experienced in life are created and amplified by the effects of external factors which accumulate from day to day, week to week, and month to month. Some of the more common external factors which contribute to negativity and unhappiness in life include the following:


  • Stress. Consider whether or not you have been experiencing a significant amount of stress. If you have, actively take actions to relieve and manage this stress. Stress produces adrenaline, cortisol, and several other biochemicals in the bloodstream which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other forms of negativity and unhappiness to include more stress.


  • Insufficient Sleep. Consider whether or not you’ve been getting enough restful sleep on a regular basis or whether your sleeping patterns have been irregular, erratic, or restless in nature. As indicated above, anytime you experience stress and negativity in life, the body reacts by producing cortisol (and other biochemicals as indicated under “stress” item above). One of the only times the body does not produce these is when we are getting restful sleep. Thus, the more restful sleep we get, the more relaxation time we get away from stress and negativity. So, take actions to ensure you get the restful sleep you need by tiring the body out, calming the mind, and going to bed at a regular time on a daily basis. If you choose to drink alcohol, make sure you drink in moderation and that you finish your final drink a couple of hours prior to bedtime. It’s also a good idea to disengage from any mind stimulating activities about an hour or so before going to bed such as television, movies, computer games, and the internet/social media. Reading is a healthy activity which can be performed instead which tends to have a calming effect on the mind. The guide I generally give to people for getting peaceful, restful sleep is the following: (1) Perform physical exercise a few hours prior to bedtime to tire the body out. (2) Massage the legs and body extensively by rolling around on a foam roller. (3) Relax in a warm bubble bath while playing some relaxing music in the background. (4) Lie in bed listening to a guided meditation to focus the mind on calm, pleasant, warming thoughts prior to falling asleep. (5) Just prior to falling asleep focus on one positive thought (and upon waking start your day with this same positive thought).


  • Irregular Physical Exercise. Consider whether or not you have been regularly getting physical exercise. Physical exercise and sleep go hand in hand. Physical exercise elevates the mood through the release of endorphins to the bloodstream, relieves stress, and tires the body so we get better sleep. As such, we address several contributing factors to stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative feelings just by performing exercise alone.


  • Insufficient Nutrition or Health Problems. Consider whether or not you have been eating adequately and regularly or are experiencing health problems. Whenever we do not get the nutrients we need or are experiencing health problems, these can contribute towards any negative feelings we might experience in life. For example, sometimes I experience anxiety, sleeplessness, or sluggishness when the pollen count is high and my allergies are triggered. All of which can be addressed by simply taking my allergy medications.


  • Dehydration. Consider whether or not you have been drinking enough healthy fluids (e.g., water) to remain hydrated throughout your days and nights. The bare minimum should be eight 8 oz glasses a day but the actual amount needed is individual and situation dependent. For example, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) currently recommends that men drink at least 104 ounces of water per day which is thirteen 8 oz glasses. If you are exposed to hot temperatures or are performing physically exerting work or other physical activities such as exercise, then additional healthy fluids are needed to remain sufficiently hydrated. Anytime we experience dehydration, this can contribute to fatigue, sluggishness, sleepiness, and any negative feelings we might experience.


  • Uncomfortable temperatures. Consider whether or not it is too hot or cold and take actions to make adjustments accordingly. Often uncomfortable temperatures and humidity can contribute towards any negative feelings we might experience.


When external factors, such as the above, begin to accumulate from one day to the next, we will experience the amplified effects of these and, as a result, feel increasingly negative, stressed out, uneasy, and unhappy. And the EXTERNAL FACTORS CREATING STRESS AND NEGATIVITY CYCLE will continue until we actively take steps to address these external factors and live a healthier lifestyle.


Most people would be amazed at how wonderful they would feel just by addressing the above external factors. Once they do, they often find the negative feelings they’ve struggled with in their lives, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, disappear completely or become much smaller and more manageable.


No. You don’t need dope, drinks, drugs, debt, or doctors for much of the stress, negativity, and unhappiness experienced in life. You just need to address a few, basic external factors and live a healthier life by breaking the EXTERNAL FACTORS CREATING STRESS AND NEGATIVITY CYCLE.


Now, there have been several occasions in my life where I experienced periods of stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative feelings and, upon further reflection, came to the realization I was not eating as well, not sleeping as well, or not exercising as well as I usually would. Upon coming to this realization, my negative feelings would immediately begin to lift due to the identification of a probable cause. I would then actively take actions to address the external contributing factors observed. Actions which often resulted in my negative feelings disappearing completely within hours or days. I encourage you try similar kinds of activities whenever you experience negative feelings and unhappiness in your life.


This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 


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One thing I frequently tell people for improving the future and living a happier life involves working towards solving actual, instead of perceived, problems. People I coach often seek to make positive changes in their lives and have specific perceived “issues” they want to initially focus on. But, the first question I generally ponder is whether the proposed change will offer the most optimal change for the person overall. The change that will create the greatest happiness, inspiration, fulfillment, and/or success for the individual.

Often, people feel they have specific issues which must be resolved before they will ever be able to live happier. However, the first question I frequently ask in such situations is: “Why do you think this is such a significant issue, how does this create unhappiness, discontent, and negativity in your life, and in what ways does it hinder you?” If the problem is truly significant, the person should be able to articulate concrete responses to this. Otherwise, it is likely to be more of a perceived problem than an actual one.

Another thing I like to do in this regard is ask the person what he or she thinks life would be like if the problem did not exist or how things might be different and allow this vision to guide his or her actions towards improvement. The point of these kinds of inquiries is determining whether the perceived problem is an actual (and significant) one before putting forth the time and energy towards resolving it.

You might be surprised at how much time and energy people put towards solving problems that were never true problems to begin with. They were merely perceived issues they told themselves they had even though these did not concretely create unhappiness, discontent, or negativity in their lives other than in the thoughts surrounding their perceived need to resolve them.

Sometimes, the perceived problems we have are not problems at all other than our acceptance that these are part of who we are. And if there is little or no evidence of these concretely creating unhappiness, discontent, and negativity in our lives, then we would benefit from seeking a more optimal positive change for ourselves so we can better realize greater happiness, inspiration, fulfillment, and success in life.

The point of all this is making sure you perform a thorough investigation before attempting to solve problems which may not truly be problems at all. You will save yourself a lot of time, energy, stress, unhappiness, and frustration if you do.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness