You can experience love, warmth, happiness, and any other feelings you might wish to experience right now by simply “verb-alizing” what you want – that is, turning what you want into an action. So, if you want love, then love. If you want appreciation, then appreciate. And if you want respect, then respect. You’ll be amazed at how much love, appreciation, and respect comes back to you when you do this. So, do this. And do it often.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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One of the significant sources of stress, negativity, and isolation/loneliness in life is associated with having a competitive nature and seeing everything as “win-lose” situations. But you can create wonderful, positive surroundings filled with love, warmth, hope, comfort, support, and joy by simply adopting the attitude and mentality that everybody has value and everybody wins and living your life accordingly.

So, try to get more in the practice of dropping the competitive “win-lose”, exclusive mentality in your day-to-day activities and adopt this loving, inclusive mentality and watch your world blossom with love, warmth, hope, comfort, and joy all around you. What a wonderful, beautiful world we could all share if we all did our part in this regard.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

#selfimprovement #selfhelp #selfdevelopment #intention #fulfillment #success #inspiration #happiness #relationships

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Happiness is easy:

If you want love, then express love by being loving towards others.

If you want kindness, then be kind via your thoughts, words, and actions.

And if you want to be valued and respected, then value and respect others in your day to day thoughts, actions, and communications.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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Well, just what exactly are you looking for? Magic and mystery and music and magnificence dance and abound all around you every moment of every day. The sunshine smiles, the skies wander, nature sings, animals love, and the earth spins in rhythm with the heavens in perfect balance and harmony.

What more than this is needed to make one smile, sing, and dance with joy and boundless love, wonder, amazement, and appreciation? What more I ask? What more could you be looking for?

Life and living is here right here and right now. Simply love and marvel and let go and waltz with the never-ending warmth, beauty, and flow.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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People frequently ask why I am always so happy, why I care so much about animals, and why I pick up recyclables when they see me walking or running. Well, much of it has to do with the way I look at life.

Consider this:

Imagine you loaned the use of your home to a house guest for a few days while you were away. When you return, you find your home has been completely trashed and has become a dirty, stinking, filthy mess. How would you feel about your house guest?

Now, imagine you loaned the use of your home to a different kind of house guest. When you return, you find your home has been thoroughly cleaned, polished, and beautified. In addition, you receive a card and gift thanking you for the use of your home. How appreciative would you feel towards this house guest?

Well, the spiritual world operates in much the same way. We are all just house guests of our creator – who has so graciously loaned us this planet (and everything in it) for all of our days. And those who genuinely care about and express appreciation towards the planet (and every creation in it) will experience blessed lives filled with love, peace, beauty, and happiness – the spiritual world continually recognizing their appreciation and showering them with more to be appreciative of. And this cycle of joy, positivity, and appreciation can continue from day-to-day, week-to-week, and year-to-year.

So, the above summarizes my philosophy on life and why I am ever so thankful and grateful and continually express this appreciation.

Everything that surrounds us has been loaned to us by the most gracious of givers. So let’s all strive to become the most gracious and considerate of guests while living here on this planet. Simply BE KIND, DO GOOD, and BE GOOD and watch your world transform into a life filled with love, beauty, and joy. What a wonderful world we could all share if we each did our part in these regards. So, do this. And do it often.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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One of the more difficult things to do in life is to build trust. It’s far easier to break trust than to build trust. But it’s also much easier to build trust than to repair trust.

So, never underestimate the value of trust. Trust is important for all types of relationships including romantic relationships, friendships and family, and work and community relationships. So, if you want to live a happy and peaceful life, make it your goal to live with a sense of discipline and commitment such that you avoid breaking trust.

The reason why it’s so difficult to repair trust once it has been broken is you have to develop not only a track record of trust and a consistent positive change in behavior but an OBSERVED, DEMONSTRATED, and PROVEN track record in the minds of those you are seeking to repair trust with – people who already have doubts about you and may have a lot of trouble believing your good intentions. This doubt and negative bias can be extremely difficult to overcome. So, do yourself a favor and put forth your best efforts to live a disciplined life and maintain a sense of trust. If you do this, your life will be much easier, happier, and more peaceful.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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Here’s a happiness tip on releasing judgment and being the person everyone wants to be around: think about all of those you love and appreciate in your life – each of which have led unique life experiences which might have changed over time. Some of these aspects you know about and others you might not.

For example, some people in your life might have had Catholic, Buddhist, Atheist, gay, and straight aspects of their life experiences. Others might have had politics and political/other activist aspects and philosophies as a part of their life experiences. Still others might have had narrow-minded or liberal-minded views and beliefs or struggled with temptations and addictions as a part of their life experiences. And yet others might be artists or engineers or educators or entrepreneurs or have preferred one political candidate/party over another political candidate/party throughout their life experiences. And the list goes on.

However, no matter which path they might have taken to get to where they are today, always remember that you love and appreciate them as they are. And they might have been very different had they taken different paths or had other life experiences.

So, anytime you are tempted to pass judgment, remember those who you love and appreciate in your life today – those who might have had similar aspects of what you are judging others for in their life experience. And release that judgment and allow people to have the life experiences they truly desire up until that time that they choose a different path (if ever). Feel free to offer loving advice and ideas, all along the way, which you think might help them live a happier life but always remember it is their life experience – not yours.

If you live your life in the above fashion, you will feel happier, and others will feel happier and more comfortable in your presence. The combination of which will create, well, even greater happiness – both in your life and theirs!

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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Here’s a happiness tip on getting yourself into a positive place on those not so positive days:

There might be times in life when you are not feeling your best. A good thing to do, when this happens, is closing your eyes and – instead of focusing on how unhappy you presently feel – asking yourself how you might most want to feel and focusing on that. Many people, in these situations, do the opposite by focusing on the very negative thoughts and feelings they are seeking to moderate and overcome. It can be extremely difficult to move in a positive direction with so much attention focused on the negative. So, instead focus on how you most want to feel and take actions to gently move in this direction.

For example, if you feel lonely then you might most desire to experience feelings of love and appreciation. So, instead of focusing on your loneliness, focus on love and appreciation and steps you might take to gently move in this direction. A wonderful way to do this is offering what you most want to others. So, if you most want to escape your loneliness, then make someone else feel less lonely. And if you most want to experience love and appreciation, then offer love and appreciation to others. You will be amazed at how much love and appreciation comes back to you when you do this. Anytime we graciously and selflessly give to others that which we want for ourselves, it comes back to us in overwhelming abundance. So, do this often in your life.

And keep in mind that you can perform this process not only with people but with pets as well. So, don’t forget about your furry friends when doing this.

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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One way to live happier is taking steps to better ensure you live without regrets. This essentially involves taking chances: taking chances on people, taking chances on opportunities, and taking chances on life experiences.

For example, back in my early 30s, to overcome my shy nature with respect to initiating conversations with others I did not know, I created and adopted the expression: “I’d rather try than be haunted by…” because the potential discomfort of trying and getting shunned was less painful than the haunting, restless thoughts of what might have been.

And I’ve had a lot of fun and gained a number of friends and wonderful life experiences over the years because of this. Many of which involve friendships which have lasted 15+ years!

A simple way to express this idea is (which my more intellectual followers might appreciate): “If A would like B to be a part of A’s life experience, then it probably makes sense for A to do something to initiate the process or communicate some sort of interest. Otherwise it may not happen.”

So, do not miss out on these kinds of wonderful life opportunities! The people and experiences in your life can add such color, beauty, excitement, and comfort throughout the months, years, and decades of your life. I STRONGLY encourage you to do this for yourself from time to time. Because you never know what might happen. So, do this for yourself if your can!

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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One thing which can be helpful when those you love and appreciate are burdened by something or experiencing extreme negative thoughts and feelings is being a consistent source of peace, patience, and positivity for the troubled person (and others in your life). Anytime others perceive us as a consistent source of these kinds of positive qualities, they will spend more time with us and communicate with us more – both in good times and bad.

If you truly desire to serve as this constant source of peace, patience, and positivity to others, then focus on this desired vision for yourself and ask yourself what actions you can take today, tomorrow, next week, and next month to progress towards this and then start taking these actions. In addition, review and reflect on your progress by asking yourself, throughout your days, if your behaviors, actions, and communications have been consistent with your vision and make adjustments accordingly to ensure you converge towards it – saying “yes” to anything which moves you closer to your vision of peace, patience, and positivity and “no” to anything which does not. If you do these things, you will begin to embody the positive qualities you are envisioning for yourself.

I used this very technique to help a young woman I coached recently named Anne. Anne was worried because her girlfriend was becoming distant – not spending as much time or communicating with her as much as she had in the past. After talking with Anne further, it came to light that her girlfriend was getting overwhelmed by the health problems her mother was experiencing and the need for constant support. And things kept getting worse.

Up to that point in time, Anne would freely share her day-to-day problems, issues, and concerns with her girlfriend. It’s just something they had always done. I pointed out to Anne that her girlfriend – in going through the challenges with her mother – was living a life far out of balance and the imbalance and happenings in her life were creating a substantial amount stress, negativity, and chaos. As such, burdening her girlfriend further by communicating her own problems, issues, and concerns would make her girlfriend feel even more overwhelmed and intensify her negative feelings of stress, irritability, sadness, anxiety, and chaos – all of which might create additional withdrawal and isolation (in the best case) or a quick, desperate reaction (in the worst case).

So, I strongly encouraged Anne to refrain from sharing her day-to-day problems, issues, and concerns with her girlfriend during this period of time and instead sharing them with others in her life if she felt the need – others who were not going through such intense challenges in their lives. I also challenged Anne to focus primarily on becoming a consistent source of peace, patience, and positivity for her girlfriend because of the increased likelihood they might spend more time together and communicate more with each other if her girlfriend associated Anne with these kinds of positive qualities – positive qualities which offered: (1) a safe haven away from all of the chaos and imbalance she was experiencing, and (2) a way of gaining back some of that balance and recharging and rejuvenating herself in the process.

Well, Anne did exactly that – actively taking steps to become a consistent source of peace, patience, and positivity to her girlfriend – saying “yes” to anything that moved her closer to this vision and “no” to anything which did not. And sure enough, her girlfriend started coming around much more often and they were able to recover from what might have otherwise resulted in a tragic event.

So, always keep this in mind when dealing with people in your life who are experiencing significant challenges. They might need a break from everything they are going through – and if you can offer this to them, this might be the very thing which allows them to successfully navigate and overcome the highly stressful challenges and events in their lives.   

This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/ 

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