Always be cautious about finance and investing statistics. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read something like: “Stock X fell 75% last year and is now up 150% this year!”
Hooray! Let’s break out the wine glasses then! Oh, but wait a minute. If I started out with $100 on Stock X, and it dropped 75%, that means I ended the year with $25.00. Now, if Stock X has jumped 150% this year, that means I now only have about $62.50 which is still about 38% less than what I started with.
Yeah. You might want to put those wine glasses away for another couple of years or so. This is why when you are nearing your investment goals that protecting your gains becomes of the utmost importance. So, always remember this, learn this valuable lesson, and don’t be misled by finance and investing statistics such as the above.
You can learn about all of my investing techniques via my “Invest Like a Pro in 10 Minutes a Day!” series of 4 books where you can learn the “end to end” process to investing (
Make it your goal to learn these investment techniques so that you can progress towards achieving the financial freedom and independence you’ve always dreamed of.
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