One of the key contributors to negativity and unhappiness in life has nothing to do with needing money, drugs, drinks, or doctors and everything to do with how you live your life. Anytime you experience these kinds of negative thoughts and feelings, take a step back and objectively consider what external factors might be contributing to these. Next, work towards addressing each of the external factors until you have addressed them all.


Frequently, many of the negativities experienced in life are created and amplified by the effects of external factors which accumulate from day to day, week to week, and month to month. Some of the more common external factors which contribute to negativity and unhappiness in life include the following:


  • Stress. Consider whether or not you have been experiencing a significant amount of stress. If you have, actively take actions to relieve and manage this stress. Stress produces adrenaline, cortisol, and several other biochemicals in the bloodstream which can lead to depression, anxiety, and other forms of negativity and unhappiness to include more stress.


  • Insufficient Sleep. Consider whether or not you’ve been getting enough restful sleep on a regular basis or whether your sleeping patterns have been irregular, erratic, or restless in nature. As indicated above, anytime you experience stress and negativity in life, the body reacts by producing cortisol (and other biochemicals as indicated under “stress” item above). One of the only times the body does not produce these is when we are getting restful sleep. Thus, the more restful sleep we get, the more relaxation time we get away from stress and negativity. So, take actions to ensure you get the restful sleep you need by tiring the body out, calming the mind, and going to bed at a regular time on a daily basis. If you choose to drink alcohol, make sure you drink in moderation and that you finish your final drink a couple of hours prior to bedtime. It’s also a good idea to disengage from any mind stimulating activities about an hour or so before going to bed such as television, movies, computer games, and the internet/social media. Reading is a healthy activity which can be performed instead which tends to have a calming effect on the mind. The guide I generally give to people for getting peaceful, restful sleep is the following: (1) Perform physical exercise a few hours prior to bedtime to tire the body out. (2) Massage the legs and body extensively by rolling around on a foam roller. (3) Relax in a warm bubble bath while playing some relaxing music in the background. (4) Lie in bed listening to a guided meditation to focus the mind on calm, pleasant, warming thoughts prior to falling asleep. (5) Just prior to falling asleep focus on one positive thought (and upon waking start your day with this same positive thought).


  • Irregular Physical Exercise. Consider whether or not you have been regularly getting physical exercise. Physical exercise and sleep go hand in hand. Physical exercise elevates the mood through the release of endorphins to the bloodstream, relieves stress, and tires the body so we get better sleep. As such, we address several contributing factors to stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative feelings just by performing exercise alone.


  • Insufficient Nutrition or Health Problems. Consider whether or not you have been eating adequately and regularly or are experiencing health problems. Whenever we do not get the nutrients we need or are experiencing health problems, these can contribute towards any negative feelings we might experience in life. For example, sometimes I experience anxiety, sleeplessness, or sluggishness when the pollen count is high and my allergies are triggered. All of which can be addressed by simply taking my allergy medications.


  • Dehydration. Consider whether or not you have been drinking enough healthy fluids (e.g., water) to remain hydrated throughout your days and nights. The bare minimum should be eight 8 oz glasses a day but the actual amount needed is individual and situation dependent. For example, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) currently recommends that men drink at least 104 ounces of water per day which is thirteen 8 oz glasses. If you are exposed to hot temperatures or are performing physically exerting work or other physical activities such as exercise, then additional healthy fluids are needed to remain sufficiently hydrated. Anytime we experience dehydration, this can contribute to fatigue, sluggishness, sleepiness, and any negative feelings we might experience.


  • Uncomfortable temperatures. Consider whether or not it is too hot or cold and take actions to make adjustments accordingly. Often uncomfortable temperatures and humidity can contribute towards any negative feelings we might experience.


When external factors, such as the above, begin to accumulate from one day to the next, we will experience the amplified effects of these and, as a result, feel increasingly negative, stressed out, uneasy, and unhappy. And the EXTERNAL FACTORS CREATING STRESS AND NEGATIVITY CYCLE will continue until we actively take steps to address these external factors and live a healthier lifestyle.


Most people would be amazed at how wonderful they would feel just by addressing the above external factors. Once they do, they often find the negative feelings they’ve struggled with in their lives, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, disappear completely or become much smaller and more manageable.


No. You don’t need dope, drinks, drugs, debt, or doctors for much of the stress, negativity, and unhappiness experienced in life. You just need to address a few, basic external factors and live a healthier life by breaking the EXTERNAL FACTORS CREATING STRESS AND NEGATIVITY CYCLE.


Now, there have been several occasions in my life where I experienced periods of stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative feelings and, upon further reflection, came to the realization I was not eating as well, not sleeping as well, or not exercising as well as I usually would. Upon coming to this realization, my negative feelings would immediately begin to lift due to the identification of a probable cause. I would then actively take actions to address the external contributing factors observed. Actions which often resulted in my negative feelings disappearing completely within hours or days. I encourage you try similar kinds of activities whenever you experience negative feelings and unhappiness in your life.


This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: 


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