Who we are is paramount. It matters so much more than what we do or communicate. The key to every successful relationship – whether romantic, family, work, or business related – is being the kind of person who first and foremost cares about others, seeks to understand, and genuinely wants to be helpful. If you do this, gaining trust and support from others and connecting with others is much easier.
So many pursue individual agendas and wonder why they have trouble connecting with others or building successful business (and other) relationships. You have to be the kind of person people want to associate with. They don’t care so much about what you do or what you want. They care about who you are. And if you are the kind of person they can trust, respect, and count on, then you will build the kind of relationships that last for years (if not decades). And these are the kind of relationships you want. Those that add happiness, comfort, and warmth to your life.
This and other happiness and self-improvement related tips are provided throughout my self-help oriented books: https://brighterdayslifecoaching.com/published-books-and-life-coaching-services/
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